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February Farm Update


February Farm Update

As the sun sets on January and leads into February we are full of anticipation here on the farm.  Although the weather patterns have certainly been abnormal we still have had a decent amount of snow and frost.  The other day the sun finally peaked its head through the clouds and I spent every spare minute that day soaking up its warmth in the greenhouse prepping my tables for seed starting this week.

We have a new addition we have been preparing for as well this last week.  On the farm we use livestock guardians to protect our free range poultry and gardens.  It is 100% because of these dogs that we are able to farm as freely as we do and allow our animals to be free of confinement.  They are the backbone of our infrastructure and unfortunately we suffered a huge loss when our sweet Timber Wolf passed away this summer of old age.  We were prepared but it didn’t make the loss any easier.  It took us time to find a suitable replacement but we finally have. Welcome to the farm Hickory!

Lastly we are scrubbing metal buckets and prepping the sugar house for one of my favorite seasons on the farm Maple Sugaring.  We will be hosting our annual Maple Days open house March 17 & 18 with lots of fun to be had so please save the date! 

As we eagerly await what the ground hog will predict let us all remember to be present in the moment.  Although winter can feel like the longest season here in WNY it is important.  It is because of the snow our soil fertility is slowly rising and absorbing stored moisture for the summer growing season.  We are on the other side of the solstice now so it can only get brighter from here.  Have a great week everyone.

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